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Employer’s objective is to find the best person for the Job. “You must prove that you are the Most Suitable Candidate for this Position


  • Employer’s Objective

  • Preparing for interviews

  • Interview Checklist

  • The interview experience

  • Questions to expect and to ask


Employer: reviews candidate’s experience and abilities

Can you do the job? (skills, abilities, qualifications)

Will you do the job? (interest, attitude & motivation)

How will you fit into the organisation? (personality)

You: impress employer and assess position on offer

What does this position offer me?

How does it fit with my career plans?


Arrive 15 minutes early

Dress should be appropriate

Know the interviewer’s name and pronunciation

Extend a warm greeting and handshake

Wait to be asked to have a seat

Good eye contact


Knowledge of the company, industry, and position

Ready to answer and ask questions

You should have a portfolio containing the following items:

A note pad


Extra resumes and reference sheets

Letters of recommendation (if applicable)

Educational transcripts

Work samples (if applicable)


Groom Yourself for Success

It is a fact of life that we do “judge books by their covers.” To be marketable in business today, your image is as important as what you know. You must “fit in.”

From head to toe should reflect impeccable grooming. Your hair, collar, tie/scarf and other accessories should be a reflection of the quality person you are.


Discuss a negative which is not related to the job

Discuss a negative an employer already knows, but make up for it in another way

Discuss a negative you have improved on

Discuss a negative that can become a positive



Thank them for their time

Restate your interests and strengths

Ask what type of follow-up you should expect

Send thank-you notes to each interviewer

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